Stop the Spread

Okay. The entire world has been on ‘Pause’ mode for over 2 months now. Many countries are slowly easing up into ‘opening’ businesses in phases, keeping in mind that the dreadful and unpredictable Covid-19 is still very much around us. Keeping some businesses open will definitely help any country’s economy spring back up. However, people in these businesses should practice utmost discipline in implementing safety measures so as not to give Covid-19 the opportunity to overwhelm the healthcare system with surges in Covid-19 cases arising from such economic movement.

On this note, as we prepare to ease back up to our training activities, we join the many businesses in making sure that we continue to slow the spread of this 2020 global unwanted and unwelcome guest, Coronavirus 2019.

Stay home and safe. And when you are finally allowed to leave house, do not stop doing what we have been doing the whole time all of us were in quarantine. Let us continue to STOP the SPREAD . . . .

Stop the Spread

(image credits to

See you all on the other side . . .  soon!



GTO’s Covid-19 In-Person Training Protocols

Hopefully, beginning June, NCR will be placed under General Community Quarantine (GCQ) which means some businesses will be allowed to operate although in limited and restricted capacity.

In anticipation of resuming training activities soon, GTO joins other businesses in ensuring that the spread of Covid-19 is mitigated by adapting specific measures and protocols for activities that require face-to-face interaction with clients.

As most of the healthcare provider and non-medical courses require skills verification, GTO will soon offer blended learning modules where lecture part of the course are made available online, and skills verification will be scheduled  following Covid-19 In-Person Training Protocols.

Watch video below for more details.